Symptoms Of Brain Cancer

Symptoms Of Brain Cancer. A brain tumor is the result of the growth of cells in the brain are not natural and unrestrained. Not all brain tumors are malignant and so could be categorized as cancer. Malignant brain cancer is a tumor that quickly spread to other parts of the brain and spine.

Primary brain tumor is a tumor that begins in the brain. Most malignant brain tumor is a secondary cancer, which means that cancer cells are initially commenced in the other organs of the body and then spread to the brain.
Symptoms Of Brain Cancer
Symptoms Of Brain Cancer
Symptoms of malignant brain tumors (brain cancer) is very diverse and depend on how big the size and its location in the brain. The symptom that occurs is due to the presence of the tumor that presses the brain tumor induced or blocking a part of the brain to function as usual.

If the pressure within the framework of the head rises due to the tumor, the following symptoms may occur:
  • Headache that is not sustainable and is stuck.
  • Vomiting that occurs suddenly and for no apparent reason.
  • Epilepsy or seizures. Can occur throughout the body or going on a single twitch only certain areas of the body.
  • Easy to forget, angrydrowsy, or indifferent.
  • Lost most vision or hearing.
  • Personality changes, abnormal behavior like and unlike characters normally.

Effects Of The Tumor On The Brain Function

Our brain controls many functions of the body. The location of the tumor in the brain will determine which functions will be affected.

The tumor on the side of the brain can cause convulsions or fainting, the olfactory sensations experienced a strange scent, and problems in speaking or remembering something.

Tumors in the front part of the brain can change a personality, weakness on one side of the body, and loss of sense of smell while the tumor on the back of the brain could lead to loss of vision.

If it occurs in the middle part of the brain's difficulty in understanding words,speaking, writingreading, set a specific movement, and even numbness on one side of the body may occur.

Tumors in the brain stem can lead to easy faltered and difficulty in walking, face muscles weaken, the vision blurry, difficulty speaking and swallowing.

Loss of coordination, difficulty walking and talking, an eye twitch, vomiting and neck feels stiff is a symptom that may occur if a tumor located in the cerebellum.

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