Causes, Diagnosis And Treatment Of Vertigo

Causes, Diagnosis And Treatment Of Vertigo. Vertigo is a symptom of several different diseases. In addition to often caused by disorders of balance mechanisms in the inner ear, vertigo can also be due to a problem in the brain or nervous system.

This type of vertigo can be divided into two categories in accordance with the cause.Two of those categories are peripheral vertigo and vertigo.

Causes, Diagnosis And Treatment Of Vertigo
Causes, Diagnosis And Treatment Of Vertigo
The most common type of vertigo is vertigo peripheral, such as vestibular neuritislabirintitis, benign paroksismal position vertigo (BPPV), and Meniere's disease. This type of vertigo is caused by disturbances in the balance mechanism is located in the inner ear.

Disorders or problems on the cerebellum lies behind a large brain or brain stem (the lower part of the brain that is linked to the spinal cord) can cause vertigo. The cause of the other Central vertigo include migraine, multiple sclerosis, brain tumor, as well as drugs.

Paroksismal Position Vertigo Benign (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo BPPV/)

Changes the position and movement of the head was the cause of the onset of vertigo in the case of BPPV. BPPV is one of the most common causes of the symptoms of vertigo. Case-case characterized by attacks of vertigo are short, intense, and repetitive (usually lasts for a few seconds or a few minutes). BPPV occurs as you move suddenly, for example,rose from the position of the squat, twisted or bowed, rotating body, or looking up.

The nausea often become symptomatic in BPPV, but not with vomiting. For BPPV attacked, you also may experience brief nistagmus so you can't focus. Nistagmus is a movement of the eyeball which is not under control. Vertigo and loss of balance will last for a few minutes after the attack ends.

The cause of BPPV is estimated to be due to debris fragments (crystalline calcium carbonate) which separated from the walls of the ear canal. Flaking only cause interference if it is entered into the inner ear which is full of liquid.

The flakes will usually drift along the channel of the inner ear due to certain head movements and cause abnormal fluid movement. The movement will send a confusing signal to the brain and trigger vertigo.

BPPV could happen to the young and old, but generally strikes seniors aged 50 years and over. BPPV can also attack with no apparent reason or after sufferers experience ear infections, ear, head injury, as well as old lying.

BPPV attacks vary in each person. Anyone experiencing it for a few days and there is a longer time. BPPV which continue to take place preferably treated with corrective maneuver of doctor or specialist.

Vertigo and migraine

Migraine headache attacks that is not bearable, especially on the front or on one side of the head that is sometimes accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light (photo phobia).

Migraines are usually experienced by young circles and is considered as one of the common causes of vertigo. Avoid triggers and treat migraines can usually cure vertigo.

Labirinitis Infection

A maze of winding channels are full of liquid that controls hearing and balance. An infection that causes inflammation of the sensitive structures in the inner ear known as the labirinitis.

Inflammation of the labyrinth will cause the information sent to the brain from the ears and eyes that are not infected with different information sent by the infected ear side. It is this difference that can trigger vertigo and reel.

Common cause of labirintitis is a virus, for example in the case of cold or flu. Othercommon causes are bacteria. Vertigo due to labirintitis is usually accompanied by symptoms such as:
  • Pain in the ear
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Ear tinnitus or buzzing
  • Loss of hearing
  • High fever

Inflammation Due To Viruses

Inner ear disease in which inflammation occurs in the nerves that connect the labyrint hand the brain called vestibular neuritis. In certain cases, the maze may also join the terinflamasi. The disease often comes suddenly, this is usually caused by a viral infection. The symptoms are:
  • The swaying of the body
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
Sufferers are typically not experiencing hearing loss. The disease can last for a few hours to a few days, but sometimes it could take six weeks to heal completely.

Vertigo Due To Meniere's Disease

Meniere's disease is a rare disease that strikes the inner ear. One of the symptoms issevere vertigo. The disease can also cause the sufferer experiencing hearing loss, ear buzzing, and the sensation of ear feels full.

If you suffer from Meniere's disease, storms will come unexpectedly for hours even days that often cause nausea and vomiting.

The cause of the disease is unknown, but its symptoms can be controlled with diet and medication and rarely require surgery as a follow-up.

Effects of Injury on the head

Vertigo also can sometimes arise after a head injury. Immediately to the doctor or checked himself into the hospital if symptoms occur, such as dizzy or vertigo, after you have suffered a head injury.

The Diagnosis Of Vertigo

Before holding a simple examination to distinguish vertigo and dizziness is common,doctors will usually ask your symptoms first. Doctors also sometimes advocated further examination if needed.

To provide an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will ask you to describe the symptoms that you are experiencing. For example, about the situation on your first attack, durationfrequency of occurrence, triggers, as well as the level of influence of symptoms in daily life.

You also need to tell in detail if you experience vertigo attacks are accompanied by other symptoms. Among them are changes to the hearing, tinnitus, or vomiting.

The doctor also will usually ask your medical history and family. For example, if there are any members of your family who are also experiencing vertigo, medicines that you use on a regular basis, as well as whether you've ever had ear infections or head injury in the near future.

The steps the Diagnosis of Vertigo

Examination by means of trigger vertigo

Vertigo is a symptom that can be caused by several diseases. Therefore, the physician also will typically recommend medical check-to discern the cause. This process includes an examination of the inside of the ears and eye examination to check for or no movement of the eyeball that uncontrolled (nistagmus).

The doctor may also check the balance or vertigo You fishing with the Dix-Hallpikemaneuver. The cause of vertigo is most often diagnosed with this process is the Paroksismal position of Benign Vertigo (BPPV).

The examination hearing to the ENT specialist

Examination pass tests and tuning fork tests audiometry this will be done by a specialist ear, noseand throat (ENT) If you experience tinnitus (ears buzzing) or hearing loss.

Examination nistagmus

Nistagmus can indicate an issue with the organs that control the body's balance and checks the details sometimes use elektronistagmografi (ENG) process and the process of recording eye movements with glasses videonistagmografi, (VNG).

Kalorik testing for organ of balance

This test use warm water or cold that will be poured into the ears to check performance of the organ of balance in the ear that's been stimulated by changes in the temperature of the water.

Posturography for checking balance

Posturography will help the planning of rehabilitation while simultaneously monitoring the treatment process and mechanical examiners balance.

The process of scanning in the head

Doctors also sometimes recommend an MRI scan or CT scan of the head to check the cause of vertigo, for example acoustic neuroma (benign tumors).

Treatment of vertigo

Vertigo treatment depends on the cause and severity. The nausea and spinning sensations may be reduced by lying quietly in a dark room. You are also encouraged to take drugs at the same time. Avoid situations that trigger stress will also help because it will aggravate the anxiety of vertigo.

Paroksismal Position Vertigo Benign (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo BPPV/)

Paroksismal position of Benign Vertigo (BPPV) often recover in a few weeks or a few months without treatment. Experts estimate that healing occurs due to debris in the ear canal that caused vertigo already melted or stuck in another part.

But sometimes BPPV could relapse. For BPPV has not healed completely, you should wake up slowly and avoid any activity that demands you to look up to, like painting,decorating, or looking for something on the top shelf. The disease can also be treated with the Epley maneuver.

Treatment of the symptoms of vertigo with the Epley maneuver

The procedure is also called kanalit this repositioning techniques proven effective fortreating the symptoms of vertigo. Epley maneuvers include four different head movement to move the debris causes of vertigo to other parts. Each position of the head is put on hold for a minimum of 30 seconds. You may experience vertigo during her procedure.

Your condition will generally be improved shortly after doing the Epley maneuver, bu tit takes time for a maximum of two weeks to heal completely. This procedure usually does not need to be repeated. Consult a doctor if there is no change in your condition after four weeks.

The instructions so that the patient does not lay straight for 48 hours after the procedure is also considered not needed anymore. In general the treatment is not permanent and the effects of treatment may need to be repeated at a time.

Treatment of the symptoms of vertigo with Brandt-Daroff exercises

If you have problems in the neck or back, Epley maneuvers are less suitable for you.Therefore, you should try to exercise Brandt-Daroff. This procedure is a series of movements of reliever BBPV you can do yourself at home.

But you are advised to learn in advance from a doctor. Do 3-4 times in a row during 1-2 days. Your condition will usually improve in a maximum of two weeks.

Suggestions for BPPV

Epley maneuver if not effective for you, your condition does not improve after four weeks, or you have unusual symptoms, the doctor will usually refer you to a specialist ear, noseand throat (ENT).

Although rare, vertigo also can last for months or years. This may be caused by blockage of the ducts filled fluid in the ear. ENT specialist will explain it to you and may recommend surgery if necessary.

A migraine Trigger Vertigo

If migraines are diagnosed as the cause of vertigo, sufferers can undergo treatment at home and using drugs with the same triptan migraine, for example.

Labirinitis Infection

Labirinitis is an infection that causes inflammation of the labyrinth, a sensitive structure located in the inner ear. The disease is generally caused by a viral infection and could be cured without treatment. Although rare, bacterial infections also may be able to cause labirintitis and is usually treated with antibiotics.

The doctor will probably refer you to a specialist ear, noseand throat (ENT) specialist or doctor audio vestibular (doctor who specifically deal with disorders of hearing and balance) If you lose your hearing. You may need an emergency handling to restore your hearing.

In addition, the disease can be treated by vestibular rehabilitation therapy. Al thought his type of therapy is still very rare in Indonesia, you can ask it more to your doctor.

Nerve Inflammation Due To Viruses

Vestibular nerve is one of the mechanisms of balance located in the ear. Vestibular neuritis is inflammation on the vestibular nerve is usually caused by a viral infection.

Although this disease can indeed heal within a few weeks without treatment, you should probably continue to lie if you're experiencing severe neuritis vestibular.Immediately to a doctor if your condition does not improve after one week. This disease can also be treated with therapeutic vestibular rehabilitation and medication.

Your balance may also be affected if you are consuming the liquor, fatigueand has other illnesses. Therefore keep your health and avoid the consumption of liquor. 

Advice for Central Vertigo

Problems on the cerebellum which is located just above the brain stem or on the brain stem that is connected to the spinal cord can cause vertigo. In addition to the migraine so the main causes of vertigo, brain tumor also included the cause though it is very rare.

The doctor will usually refer you on a nerve specialist, a specialist ENT audio vestibular specialists, or if the suspect you are experiencing vertigo.

Meniere's disease is rare

Meniere's disease is a rare disease that strikes the inner ear. If Your vertigo caused by this disease, there are some effective measures to handle both at the same time. IE:
  • Drugs to prevent attacks of Meniere's disease.
  • Medications to deal with attacks of Meniere's disease.
  • Suggestions for diet, especially a low salt.
  • Physiotherapy for addressing impaired balance.
  • Handling for loss of hearing, such hearing aids.
  • Treatment for tinnitus (ears buzzing), e.g.therapies that can reduce the sounddifference between the noise of tinnitus with sound so that the disturbance tinnitusfeels diminished.
  • Handling for the secondary symptoms of Meniere's disease, such as stress, anxiety,and depression.

Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy Steps

Therapy commonly called Vestibular rehabilitation Exercises (Vestibular Rehabilitation Training/VRT) includes special exercises to encourage the brain adapt to trigger signals from the ears. The brain is stimulated to rely on signals from other parts of the body, such as eyes and legs, rather than the inner ear. If already accustomed, the brain will minimize the symptoms of vertigo and preserve the balance of the body. This therapy is done with the guidance of a specialist audiology or physiotherapists.

Drugs that can be used

Attacks of vertigo can be treated by medication are:
  • Vertigo caused by vestibular neuritis or Meniere's disease.
  • Central Vertigo.
  • Vertigo without obvious cause.
  • The duration of a given medication the doctor depends on the severity of the vertigo,but usually for half to two weeks. Drugs are commonly given is:


Prochlorperazine will block the influence of the chemical compound the brain called dopamine. This medicine helps relieve nausea and severe vomiting due to vertigo.

Side effects of prochlorperazine is tremors (shaking), movement of the body or the face of uncontrolled, and drowsiness.


Antihistamines will block the influence of chemical compounds called histamine. These drugs can be used to relieve nausea, vomiting, as well as lighter vertigo symptoms. a type of antihistamine that would normally be given doctor is cinnarizine, cyclizinepromethazine theoclate and.

In addition to drowsiness, this medication may also cause side effects such as headaches and stomach pains.

The Betahistine is used to treat Meniere's disease and other balance disorders also have a way of working that is similar to antihistamines. This medication is usually given for the long term, but their effectiveness varies in each person.

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