The Cause Of Cervical Cancer. Cervical cancer begins when healthy cells undergo genetic mutations or changes in DNA. This genetic mutation alters normal cells becoming abnormal cells. Healthy cells grow and multiply at a certain speed, whereas cancer cells grow and multiply uncontrollably.
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The Cause Of Cervical Cancer |
The number of abnormal cells that form a tumor will continue to grow. Cancer cells that appear then invaded surrounding tissue. These cells can break away from the initial location and spread to other body areas, this process is referred to as metastatic.
Cervical cancer due to HPV or Human papilomavirus
There are several risk factors that cause women affected by cervical cancer. But the research found even 99,7 percent of cervical cancer caused by HPV. HPV is a group of viruses. There are more than 100 types of HPV.
The HPV virus is generally spread through sexual intercourse occurs where direct contact between the genital skin, mucous membrane, or the exchange of body fluids and through oral sex. After starting sexual relations, there are an estimated 33 percent of the women will be infected with HPV. Some types of HPV cause no symptoms and clear the infection could be lost without medical handling.
But there are other HPV types can cause warts on the genitals. The types of HPV causegenital warts, this does not cause cervical cancer. There are about 15 types of HPV that could potentially lead to cervical cancer. The two most common types are HPV 16 andHPV 18. This type is a cause of cervical cancer in 70 percent of the women.
High-risk HPV types are considered to contain genetic material that could be removed from the cells of the virus into the cells of the cervix. This material will begin tointerfere with the performance of the cell, until finally the cervical cells that proliferateuncontrollably. It is this process that causes a tumor and then turn into cancer.
There is no medicine that can cure the HPV infection is known. The virus itself canremain in the body with or without treatment. But most HPV infections disappear without special handling for a period of about two years. However, as a precaution,every woman is advised to receive HPV vaccination to prevent transmission of the virus types that cause cancer.
Status Of Precancerous Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia –
Cervical cancer takes years to grow from healthy cells to precancerous cells and eventually the cancer cells. Abnormal changes in the cells before cancer this is known as cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) or precancerous cells. The cell changes due to HPV infection, being the CIN and finally to cancer is very slow. This process can occur within 10-20 years.
CIN is the condition of the growth of abnormal cells before cancer. This conditiongenerally does not threaten the health of a person directly, but could potentially turn into cancer. Although the risk of CIN cells turn into cancer belongs to the small,doctors will monitor or handle it as a step of prevention of cervical cancer. The purpose of pap smear is identifying these stages so that CIN handled prior to fully transform into cancer.
Level changes abnormal cells can be divided according to the degree of severity, including:
- CIN 1 – this condition occurs when a change in the cells of the cervix is still too little or no significance. Can be treated or monitored on a regular basis because the cells at this stage of CIN 1 can transform into normal again without medical handling.
- CIN 2 – changes more than CIN 2; the abnormal cells are generally appointed by the doctor.
- CIN 3 – at this stage, the change of cells is abnormal but not yet cancerous. Cells ofCIN 3 will be lifted by the doctor.
Factors that Can increase the risk of cervical cancer
There are several factors that can increase the risk of suffering from cervical cancer include:
- Sexual activity too early: had sexual intercourse at age too early will increase the risk of HPV-infected.
- Changing sexual partners: have many sexual partners will increase the risk of HPV-infected.
- Smoking: Women who smoke risk doubled. This may be caused by harmful chemicals from tobacco that appear on the cervix.
- A weak immune system: this condition may be due to taking certain drugs like the immunosuppressant. The drug is used so that the body does not reject the donor organ from another person or due to suffering from HIV/AIDS.
- Childbirth: more and more children born of a woman, then the higher the risk. The woman who had three children three times higher risk of cervical cancer than women who do not have children at all. It is estimated that hormonal changes while being pregnant makes the cervix more susceptible of developing HPV.
- Contraceptive pill or drinking KB more than five years: consuming this pill long enough will increase the risk of experiencing a doubling of cervical cancer. Although it is still unclear why.
How The Spread Of Cervical Cancer
If cervical cancer is not diagnosed and untreated, the cancer cells will come out slowly from the cervix and spread to the surrounding tissues and organs. Cancer can spread to the muscles of the vagina and the pelvic bone support. Cancer cells can also spread to the upper body. This condition will preclude channels that flow from the kidneys to the bladder or ureter is commonly referred to as.
Cancer can spread to the bladder, rectum, and finally get to the liver, bones and lungs.Cancer cells can also spread to the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system consists of a series of the lymph channels and that extends to the whole body in the same way as the circulatory system.
Lymph nodes produce many specialized cells needed by the immune system. If you are exposed to the infection, the lymph in the neck or under the armpit will swell. At some early stage cervical cancer, lymph nodes close to the cervix contains cancer cells.And on some of the final stages of cervical cancer, lymph nodes in the chest and abdomen can also be infected with cancer.
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