Tongue Cancer Symptoms, Triggering Factors, Diagnosis And Treatment. Tongue cancer is a type of cancer that grows on the cells of the tongue. Tongue cancer most often grow and thrive on the squamous cells in the surface of the tongue. Types of tongue cancer is known as squamous cell carcinoma.
The tongue is composed of two parts: the front part of which is located in the mouth and the base located near the throat. Tongue cancer can develop on both the parts.
A cancer that grows on the front part of the tongue is included in the category of oral cancer. While cancers that grow at the base of the tongue is included in the cancer of the oropharynx.
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Tongue cancer symptoms, triggering Factors, Diagnosis and treatment |
Symptoms of tongue cancer
Symptoms that indicate cancer of the tongue include:
- A sore throat that lasts continuously.
- Red or white patches, lumps, or thrush, which failed to heal.
- Pain when swallowing.
- Flavors numb fingers in the mouth which failed to disappear.
- Bleeding without clear reason on the tongue.
- Pain in the ear.
A number of the above indications may be caused by infection or disease other thancancer of the tongue. But you should remain vigilant and saw a doctor if any of these symptoms lasts more than three weeks, especially if you are a heavy smoker, and oftenconsuming liquor.
The trigger factors of tongue cancer
Causes of tongue cancer is not yet known for sure. But there are certain factors that are believed to trigger the appearance of this cancer. These risk factors include:
- Cigarettes and liquor. Smoking and consuming liquor is the main trigger factors increasing the risk of cancer developing in the neck and head, including cancer of the tongue.
- Human human papilloma virus (HPV). Although rare, the virus HPV may cause abnormal tissue growth in the mouth so that trigger cancer. The transmission of this virus can happen if You get in touch directly with the person with skin or HPV virus-contaminated objects or through sexual contact, like intercourse, anal sex, or oral sex.
The Process Of Diagnosis Of Cancer Of The Tongue
Just like all cancer, tongue cancer detection is done as early as possible will improve your chances to recover. Process diagnosis generally includes a physical examination,the symptoms that you feel, as well as biopsies of suspected tissue is cancerous.
Cancer in the front part of the tongue is more easily detected than cancer at the base of the tongue. Cancer in the front part of the tongue will usually undiagnosed cancerwhile still pocket-sized so it's more manageable. While the cancer at the base of the tongue tend to recently detected at an advanced stage, i.e. when the cancer is alreadyengorged and even have spread to the lymph nodes in the neck.
The Treatment Of Tongue Cancer
Method of treatment of tongue cancer typically involves surgery, radiotherapy, and/orchemotherapy. The selected step depends on the type, location, and severity of the cancer of the tongue you Gonzo.
If the cancer has not spread widely outside the mouth and Oropharynx, you have agreater chance to recover total. The operating procedure is the best treatment for dealing with the small sized of tongue cancer. This step can be combined with radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy.
Whereas if the cancer has already spread to other parts of the body, such as the lymph nodes in the neck, then chances are very small to be cured completely. The main goal of treatment on a condition of this is to inhibit the development of cancer and reduce symptoms.
If the size of Your tongue cancer include large, you will likely undergo surgical removal of part or all of the tongue. Major surgery is called glosektomi.
After undergoing glosektomi, the tongue will be reconstructed to replace the tongueis lifted. But the glosektomi procedure will affect the ability to speak and swallow You permanently.
In addition to the removal of cancerous cells via glosektomi, the lymph nodes in your neck might be lifted. This process is aimed at preventing the return of cancer cells.
Radiotherapy and chemotherapy may also be applied to assist the prevention process.Both of these measures have side effects such as fatigue, dry mouth, pain in the mouth, mouth ulcers, as well as nausea. Examples of commonly used chemotherapy drugs cisplatin, is carbloplatin, and fluorouracil.
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