Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment And Complications Of Ulcer. Heartburn or dyspepsia, also known as, is one of the health problems that are not familiar in the ear. This condition happened started when inflammation occurs at the inner part of the stomach wall. Inflammation of the stomach are frequent or continual unfolding of gastric wall layer making section in eroded so that the resulting scars called peptic ulcers.
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Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment And Complications Of Ulcer |
Symptoms Of Heartburn
For patients with heartburn, pain may begin immediately feels after eating. While theduodenal ulcer for patients with inflammatory bowel disease or subtle, usually painwill be felt two to three hours after meals. Because it's often the sufferers of this condition woke up in the night because of a recurrence of the symptoms.
Pain as a sharp and dull pain or sensation in the abdomen for a few minutes or even hours of a symptom of heartburn is the most common. These symptoms can also befelt from neck to navel and even your back. The pain of heartburn is derived from inflammations or injuries on the walls of the stomach are exposed to substances in acid.
However, often times the typical symptoms of heartburn are not felt when the condition being relapse. Even heartburn sometimes does not cause any pain at all.This means, a sufferer of heartburn could be exposed to the complications (e.g.bleeding) without feeling the pain in advance.
In addition to the above common symptoms, there are also symptoms of heartburn are much less common. Among them are nausea, lost appetite, abdominal heat, and digestive disorders (some sufferers even hard to digest fatty foods).
The right time to saw a doctor
At this time many drugs sold in pharmacies without a prescription, that is, a drug that can relieve symptoms temporarily. However the free drugs are not able to treat the underlying causes of heartburn. We recommend that you always check with your doctor if yourself to feel heartburn that continue to appear.
Heartburn can develop into serious complications, then the symptoms will become serious. Check with your doctor immediately if you experience symptoms such as the following.
- Dispense the stool is black.
- Sharp pain in the abdomen which come suddenly and the more poorly.
- Vomiting blood, blood colored bright red or dark brown like coffee dregs.
Causes Of Heartburn
To digest food, the stomach to produce acid. Although the acid substance is something important in the digestive process, but it can also lead to inflammation and then wound on the surface of the stomach is known as an ulcer. To anticipate, stomach lining its surface with mucus.
Commonly peptic ulcers caused by non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (OAINS) or the bacteria h. pylori. The bacteria h. pylori and gastric OAINS can ruin a defense(mucus) against acid.
Although the resulting acidic levels in the majority of sufferers of peptic ulcers is not too high, but the acid substance should still be inhibited so that inflammation can heal. After he recovered, the cause of inflammation is sought and addressed to prevent recurrence of heartburn.
The bacteria h. pylori
H. pylori Helicobacter pylori stands for. Heartburn due to bacteria is already very common. However sometimes the infections caused by these bacteria do not always cause symptoms significantly so there is some sufferers are not aware that he has been infected.
Not known for sure why some people are prone to infection with h. pylori, while mostothers do not. Shun smoking because it is considered may increase a person's vulnerability against these bacteria.
Heartburn is a condition which can also decrease in the family. Genetic factors make a person more sensitive to h. pylori.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (OAINS)
In General OAINS used as a pain reliever, heat and inflammation. Examples of OAINS are commonly used are aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, and diclofenac is. In addition to the previously mentioned OAINS, aspirin is also used to prevent blood clotting that caused the stroke and heart attack.
If the use of OAINS makes you risk exposed heartburn or it can aggravate heartburn, then it is advisable not to use it. There are other pain reliever drug that is usually recommended by doctors, such as paracetamol.
But, if the risk of not using the OAINS is greater than the risk of heartburn (e.g. such as the risk of a heart attack), then the doctor will normally advise you to keep using it.However OAINS is generally recommended aspirin with low doses. After that use of aspirin would usually physicians combine it with proton pump inhibitor drugs (PPP) to reduce stomach acid and prevent the risk of complications due to heartburn.
The Diagnosis Of Stomach Ulcers
There are two kinds of diagnosis heartburn, that diagnosis to know the existence of the bacterium h. pylori and diagnosis through endoscopy.
The test for detecting h. pylori bacteria
To find out if heartburn is caused by the bacteria h. pylori, doctors will advise patients did three examination, examination of the blood, feces, and breath.
For breath, doctors will give patients food or drink containing radioactive carbon. This compound will be digested bacteria h. pylori in the stomach. Not long after patients taking the compound, doctors will ask patients exhale into a bag, then close it. If the patient is infected with the bacterium h. pylori, carbon dioxide emitted through her breathing will contain radioactive carbon.
In the examination of blood, a little blood sample will be taken to then be tested in the laboratory. In order to test this is to know the levels of antibodies in the blood. An antibody is a protein produced naturally in the blood that can help fight bacterial infection, including the bacterium h. pylori.
As for the examination of stool samples, the levels of antigens will be measured.Antigens are substances that can stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies.
If it proves positive, h. pylori infection will be treated with antibiotics.
Diagnosis through endoscopy
To view the presence of inflammation and ulcers in the stomach, doctors also will likely check directly into the patient's abdomen through a procedure calledendoscopy. This procedure is done in a hospital with the use of an endoscope is a thinand flexible hose which is equipped a camera on one end. An endoscope is inserted into the mouth through esophagus, into the stomach and duodenum of patients.
Usually the result of images obtained from this procedure is sufficient to corroborate the diagnosis without the need for further tests. In addition to pictures, gastric tissue samples can also be taken via endoscopy. Samples can also be tested in order to identify the bacteria h. pyroli.
Although endoscopy is not too painful. But to overcome the discomfort, usually the doctor will spray the throat patients with local anesthesia so numb. If necessary, the doctor will even give a sedative so that patients get half consciously or even unconsciously altogether when endoscopy is performed.
Treatment Of Heartburn
The treatment is done depends on the cause of the heartburn, whether bacterial infection h. pylori or nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs (OAINS), or even both. It is recommended to use antibiotics if Your heartburn is caused by h. pylori.
If Your heartburn diagnosis turns out not to be caused by h. pylori, but by the OAINS, then the doctor will usually prescribe a proton pump inhibitor drug (PPP). Next thedoctor will review the use of the OAINS and if necessary, the drugs will be replaced byalternatives such as paracetamol. Besides PPP, antagonists H2 receptors can also be used.
For stomach ulcers caused by h. pylori, as well as a combination of OAINS, then anyresponses should be doubled. Usually the doctor will prescribe a medication to use PPP for several weeks, as well as antibiotics.
Handling heartburn due to h. pylori, the therapy with eradikasi
In this therapy, two of the three different antibiotics, as well as one type of proton pump inhibitor drugs (PPP), combined simultaneously. Drink one type of antibiotics alone have not been enough to kill the bacteria.
Antibiotics are commonly used in the eradikasi therapy is metronidazole, amoxicillin, and clarithromycin. Make sure you follow the rules of life and be aware of the side effects of the drugs.
Usually on the fourth week after eradikasi therapy, the patient will be examined again to ensure there are no more bacteria h. pylori in the stomach. If it turns out that there is still, usually doctors will advise patients to continue the therapy eradiksi, but this time with a different antibiotic use.
Handling heartburn with proton pump inhibitor drugs (PPP)
This medication works by inhibiting gastric acid-producing protein performance called proton pump. With the decline in levels of acid, then automatically further damage on the walls of the stomach can be prevented and healing can take place naturally.
Examples of drugs frequently used PPP to cope with heartburn is omeprazole andlansoprazole. Both of these drugs have side effects, but is still classified as light and will disappear after the treatment is finished. Make sure you follow the rules adoptedin order to bring effective results.
Handling heartburn with H2 receptor antagonists
This medication works by inhibiting performance of a protein that is able to stimulatethe production of acid. This protein is known as histamine. H2 receptor antagonist drug example that is often used to treat heartburn is ranitidine. Follow the rules of use and read the possible side effects of this medicine.
Handling heartburn with a alginat and antasida
The whole of the above medicines recently felt her reaction after a few hours.Therefore, to relieve symptoms quickly, the doctor will usually prescribe additional medications, including:
- Alginat. This drug is capable of forming a protective layer on the wall of the stomach.It is recommended to drink this medicine after meals.
- Antasida. The drug is able to neutralize stomach acid quickly. You can drink this medicine when feeling the symptoms of heartburn appears or as a precaution, you can drink it after meals or before bed.
You can buy both types of drugs in pharmacies without prescription. Ask for help on the pharmacist to choose the type of medication that suits your condition. But consider for a alginat did not drink or antasida within one hour after you drink aproton pump inhibitor drug (PPP) or ranitidine. This is because the performance of PPP or ranitidine could be disrupted.
If you don't want to drink both of these drugs because of worry with side effects, you can replace it by eating bananas. Banana is believed to be able to effectively protect the stomach from acid and relieves the symptoms of heartburn.
When use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (OAINS) review
The doctor will review drug use OAINS if heartburn patients caused by the drug itself.The doctor can recommend the use of a different type of pain reliever drug that can be used to replace OAINS.
For patients who are using low-dose aspirin to lower the risk of blood clotting, doctors usually do an examination first before deciding whether to be forwarded or not. Inmost of the cases are similar, the use of aspirin is nothing still continues and there are also suspended for several days.
In order for aspirin are safe to use, doctors can give a drug inhibitor proton pump(PPP). PPP can prevent further inflammation. If the physician or the patient feel that OAINS is absolutely necessary, then the doctor will prescribe a PPP or a drug receptor antagonists H2 to be used in the long term.
It is important to understand the associated risks use of OAINS on an ongoing basis.Those risks could be heartburn that relapse again or even serious complications such as bleeding.
Heartburn Complications
With the presence of antibiotics, complications of stomach ulcers caused by h. pyloribakter currently have started a more sparse and often is a result of the use of non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (OAINS). Some sufferers of ulcers that are caused by the consumption of OAINS, eventually experiencing a complication due to the condition of their ulcer do not cause any symptoms. Without symptoms, sufferers are not aware of the ongoing inflammation so as not to be treated.
Bleeding in as the most common complications
Bleeding in can occur when the location of the inflammation adjacent to blood vessels. This is a complication of peptic ulcers are the most common. Those who are at risk of experiencing bleeding in was aged sixty or over and those who have long used nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (OAINS).
If the bleeding long enough period of time, then it is feared will lead to othercomplications, i.e. anemic. Anemia is a condition in which the body's lack of blood cells that carry oxygen. Long-term bleeding can also cause more severe bleeding with loss of a larger quantity of blood, such as vomiting blood or black colored stools pulled out.
The slightest bleeding needs to be addressed as soon as possible.
Perforation can be fatal
Perforation is a tear or splitting of the gastric wall. These complications are rare.Perforation can be developed into a matter of medical emergency called peritonitis.Peritonitis is an inflammation of the lining of the abdominal cavity due to a bacterial infection. The bacteria comes from the hull that had been torn. The most common symptom is pain which come suddenly and continue to deteriorate in the stomach.
If not immediately treated, feared this infection will spread into the blood and otherorgans quickly. If it is like that, then it can happen a number of failing organs are fatal.
Constriction in the stomach that is blocking the digestive track
Narrowing or obstruction of the stomach is a condition when inflammation or cuts on the hull has made the rate of food in the digestive system becomes blocked. Symptoms include a sense of satiety (though just eat little than normal), vomiting(throwing up undigested food containing), abdominal bloating, and weight loss.
Constriction of the stomach is very rare. If it is caused by inflammation, then it could be resolved with a proton pump inhibitor drug (PPP) receptor antagonists and H2. Ifcaused by scar tissue (the tissue due to cuts), generally the narrowing is handled by the method of inflating a small balloon. The purpose of such methods is to open and expand where the narrowing has occurred. However, in the case of obstruction more severe scarring, surgery will be required.
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