Symptoms And Diagnosis Of Malaria

Symptoms And Diagnosis Of Malaria. Malaria symptoms will appear if you are bitten by a mosquito that is infected by the parasite Plasmodium. Incubation period, i.e. the period between the commencement of malaria and mosquito bites symptoms, depending upon the type of parasite that infects. Plasmodium falciparum is the incubation period of approximately 1-2 weeks whereas for Plasmodium vivax is 2-3 weeks. The second type of parasite that causes malaria is most common in Indonesia.

Symptoms And Diagnosis Of Malaria
Symptoms And Diagnosis Of Malaria
The initial symptoms of malaria are:
  • The rush up and down
  • Headache
  • Cold sweats
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Muscle pain
  • Diarrhea
Meet the doctor immediately if malaria is suspected so that immediate treatment could be started. Malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum needs to be more wary because it is the cause of malaria is the most dangerous and can lead to complications.

Diagnosis Of Malaria
In addition to looking at the symptoms of the patient and performing physical examination, doctors also diagnosed malaria rapid diagnostic tests based on the(rapid diagnostic test/RDT). RDT test checks the existence and type of parasite that causes malaria. The patient's blood samples will be taken for this test. The results can be obtained within 15-20 minutes. RDT can ascertain whether the types of parasites in the blood it is Plasmodium falciparum or other types. The results will be very helpful in choosing a combination of antimalarial drugs which are the most appropriate.

In addition, malaria RDT test can also be diagnosed by using microscopy. This is way way more conventional. The patient's blood samples will be taken, and then studied under a microscope. This microscopy tests can confirm the presence and type of parasite that causes malaria as well as the proportion of infected red blood cells.

Examination of blood can also be done to check whether patients suffering from anemia. Anemia is one of the complications that can occur as a result of malaria.

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