Symptoms Of Rabies

Symptoms Of Rabies. When the first reached the stage of rabies symptoms, usually the perceived symptoms sufferers look mild. But in a short time, these symptoms will show their earnestness.

Incubation period is the time it takes for symptoms of rabies to flourish after a personis infected with rabies virus. The incubation period usually lasts two to twelve weeks.But in some cases, the incubation period can be very fast, that is four days. Very rarely found incubation period which lasted until more than a year.

Symptoms Of Rabies
Symptoms Of Rabies

Long incubation period or not depends on which part of the body that was bitten and infected with rabies virus. The more the infection point close to the brain, then the faster developing symptoms. For example, rabies bite on a head, neckor face,  his incubation period will be shorter than the bites occur on the legs or arms.

If infected with rabies virus, usually the patient still has a chance to recover if the treatment is done on the incubation period of the virus. However, if you have entered the stage of rabies, the symptoms can be hard to treat.

Early symptoms are visible
Early symptoms of rabies is usually often difficult to spot and sometimes we just think of it as a symptom of the disease is not dangerous. The initial symptoms of rabies are such as:

  • The body feels very tired
  • The body feels cold
  • Sore throat
  • A high fever
  • Restless
  • Irritability
  • Experiencing vomiting
  • Headache
  • Lost your appetite
  • Difficulty to sleep
  • Pain and tingling on the infected area
Advanced symptoms of rabies-type and Division
After entering the early stages of rabies, the symptoms will be seen more severe 2-10 days after initial symptoms began. Underlying the effects thereof, rabies is divided into two, namely the rabies rabies garang and paralyzed.

Rabies garang will lead the sufferer rages without a clear reason. Usually this type of rabies occur in 80% of cases of rabies. Whereas, in accordance with the rabies paralyzed, his name, people will look limp and cannot move his muscles. This type of rabies and usually occurs in 20% of cases of rabies.

A glimpse of garang's rabies
Rabies is known from the sufferer's behavior that looks increasingly strange and hyperactive after regardless of the quiet period. The following are the characteristics of people with rabies garang.

  • Experience hallucinations such as seeing or hearing things that are not real.
  • Behave aggressively and thrashed.
  • Often looks restless and raging.
  • A high fever.
  • Always drooling.
  • Sustainable erection on a rabies patient men.
  • Removing the excessive sweating.
  • The feathers on the skin that looks up.
  • Experiencing delusions or believe in something that is not real.
Sufferers of rabies garang also be having hidprofobia or fear of water. Before reaching this stage, they will usually feel the pain in the throat and difficulty to drink. When they try to swallow water, muscles of the throat would experience spasms and lasting up to a few seconds. Things that would later make the rabies patients experienced hidrofobia. Never seen it, heard people call ' water ' they would look very frightened.

In addition to experiencing hidrofobia, most sufferers of rabies garang also experience photo phobia or afraid of the light and the wind or fear of aerofobia. A few days after these symptoms develop, patients will typically undergo a comma before then died of respiratory failure or heart attacks.

Overview of rabies lame
This type of rabies makes its victims paralysed. It is caused by the body's muscles are weakened, ranging from hand to foot. In addition, the ability of the sense of touch is also gone slowly and finally muscles of the body cannot be moved at all. For the symptoms that lead to hidrofobia himself, on a rare paralytic rabies. But just as rabies garang, sufferers of this type usually having a comma, before eventually died of respiratory failure or heart attacks.

Quick handling
If you get scratched or bitten by animals, especially dogs, check with your self immediately to the doctor. Rabies is transmitted through bites of it, a person can also be infected by rabies if he has wounds that is exposed by animal rabies.

The symptoms of rabies in animals, particularly dogs
Just as in humans, the symptoms of rabies in animals will pass through several stages.We take the example of a dog. At the first stage, the dog will usually look would not eat. Then the dog would look benign, even against people who aren't him.

Next enter the second stage, called the "mad dog". This step is usually only lasts two to four days. This stage is characterized by the behavior of a wild and aggressive dogs.Such aggressive behavior such as dogs that look has no fear of its natural enemies,barked incessantly, and attempted to attack anything that approached, even inanimate objects though.

And the last stage is "lame". In this phase the dogs will be seen removing the foam from his mouth, looks like I'm choking, lower jaw that looks down, and eventually the muscles of the jaw, mouthand throat that had paralyzed animals before finally dying.

Pet dog who was left out of the House without supervision, more high risk exposed to rabies. The dogs have greater opportunities for engaging interaction with wild dogs, rather than supervised pet dog owners.     Symptoms Of Rabies

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