Understanding Malaria. Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite. Malaria is spread through the bite of mosquitoes that have been infected by the parasite. Malaria could even be lethal if not treated properly.
Malaria infection can happen simply by a mosquito bite. Malaria is rarely transmitted directly from one person to another. Examples of transmission of this disease is a condition in case of contact with the blood of the patient or fetus could be infected because of contracting from the blood of the mother.
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Understanding Malaria |
Malaria sufferers in Indonesia
In Indonesia, there is a positive case about 400,000 malaria each year. Of all the cases occurred, 4,000 cases have complications or even lead to death. About 1 out of 4 cases of malaria occurring attacking children.
Most of the malaria cases occurred in Eastern Indonesia region. Especially in Sulawesi region, Nusa Tenggara, Maluku and Papua.
Symptoms That Appear Due To Malaria
Malaria symptoms will usually appear between one to two weeks after the body of the infected. In some rare cases, the symptoms appear a year after the mosquito biteoccurs. Malaria symptoms that usually happens is the emergence of a fever, chills or sweating, chills, vomiting, headache, diarrhea, and muscle aches.
If you've already experienced the symptoms of malaria, soon encountered the doctor in order to be able to do diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible. Diagnosis of malaria can be done easily through a simple blood test.
The Parasite That Causes Malaria
Plasmodium is a type of parasite that causes malaria. There are countless types of Plasmodium parasites, but only five of the kind that cause malaria in humans. The parasite Plasmodium Anopheles mosquitoes spread by only females. Two kinds of parasites are common in Indonesia is Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax.
The malaria mosquito bites occur more frequently at night. After the bite, parasites will enter into the blood stream.
The spread of malaria can also occur through blood transfusion. In addition if the alternating in the use of needles can transmit malaria. Although rarely occurs, you should still be careful.
Treatment On Malaria
Recovery is perfectly doable if malaria is treated and cared for properly. Types of drugs without malaria used to prevent and treat malaria as well.
Drugs given depends on several things. The severity of symptoms could be one consideration. Otherwise it will be checked concerning type of parasite that causes malaria. Specifically to pregnant patients, treatment of malaria will be distinguished by sufferers who are not pregnant.
Complications That Can Occur Due To Malaria
Malaria will have a worse impact if contracted by pregnant women, babies, young children, and the elderly. Malaria is potentially making body resistance decreases drastically in a short time. Therefore, the handling is needed to be done quickly.
Dehydration, severe anemia and organ failure are some of the complications that can occur if malaria malaria is not treated early on.
Precautions To Avoid Contracting Malaria
Malaria in General could have been avoided. In areas where malaria is endemic, such as occurred in the countryside of Papua and Nusa Tenggara, the Government has been carrying out a mass blood tests and prescribe antimalarial for free.
Avoid in order not to be bitten mosquitoes is the most primary prevention ways to avoid contracting malaria. You can use netting to cover the bed, getting rid of standing water, wearing insect resistant lotion and use clothing or blankets that cover the skin of the body.
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