Understanding, Symptoms, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, Treatment, And Preventive Measures On The HPV Infection

Understanding, Symptoms, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, Treatment, And Preventive Measures On The HPV Infection. Human papillomavirus or HPV is a human virus that can cause warts on various parts of the body. The HPV virus live on skin cells and has more than 100 different types. There are approximately 60 types of HPV cause warts that usually infect body parts such as hands and feet, while 40 of which triggers the appearance of genital warts.

Understanding, Symptoms, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, Treatment, And Preventive Measures On The HPV Infection
Understanding, Symptoms, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, Treatment, And Preventive Measures On The HPV Infection
HPV infection can occur if someone get in touch directly with the person with skin or objects contaminated by the virus HPV. Sexual intercourse can also be a means of transmission of the virus in genital HPV. For example, direct contact with the genital skin, mucous membranes or the exchange of bodily fluids, and anal or oral sex.

Although rare, a mother could potentially transmit HPV to her baby while undergoing childbirth.

Not all HPV can cause cancer, but there are some types of genital HPV that can trigger cervical cancer or cervical cancer, as well as on the anus and penis. The who (World Health Organization) estimates that about 99 percent of cases of cervical cancer associated with HPV infection in the genital area.

The symptoms of HPV Infection
HPV tend not to cause symptoms so rarely realized by people. Our immune systems also typically will eradicate HPV infection before the virus causes symptoms that do not require treatment.

If the HPV infection to cause symptoms at this stage, the major indication is the growth of warts. Types of warts are divided into four categories, namely ordinary warts, genital warts, plantar warts, or fish eye, and flat warts. The texture of the skin is covered with warts will feel rough, hardand somewhat prominent.

Genital warts and flat warts are not painful. Genital warts just feels itchy. Plantar warts grow on the soles of the feet often cause pain especially during walking.

If warts do you suffer pain, itching or disturbing appearance, you should contact your doctor to get proper treatment.

In addition to causes of warts, there are two types of genital HPV infection on the main trigger cervical cancer is HPV 16 and 18. These types of HPV do not generally grow warts or other symptoms so hard realized by the women.

Risk Factor In HPV Infection
HPV infection is very contagious and can easily happen to anyone. There are several factors that can increase a person's risk for exposed to this virus.
  • Frequently changing partners. Had sex with more than one partner will heightens your risk.
  • Sharing personal items such as towels, handkerchiefs, or socks.
  • A weak immune system, for examplesuffered from HIV/AIDS or undergoing chemotherapy.
  • Damaged skin, for example a wound because carded.
  • Age. Common warts usually suffered by children, while plantar warts and sex is more common in young adults and among young adults.
  • Does not maintain the cleanliness, for example to the public bathroom with outwearing footwear.
The process of Diagnosis and treatment of HPV Infection
The diagnosis of HPV infection is through examination of the warts. As for the genital parts, the doctor will recommend a solution of acetic acid test and Pap smear tests.

The skin in the genital HPV virus-infected will turn white after acetic acid solution that is easily detected. While the Pap smear tests, the doctor will take a sample of cells from the cervix and vagina for examination in the laboratory. Pap smear test can also be used to detect normalcy of cervical cells that can turn into cancer.

After a positive diagnosis, there are two methods that you can select medical, that treatment with the drug or surgical procedure.

Handling via remedy commonly used drug oles and require quite a long time to get rid of warts. Some examples of drugs to combat the wart is oles:
  • Salicylic acid which serves to erode the lining of the warts gradually.
  • Trichloroacetic acid that will burn protein in cells of warts.
  • The Imiquimod  can boost the immune system against HPV.
  • Podophyllotoxin is working with destroy tissue on genital warts.
In addition to drug oles, warts can also be resolved by step operations that include cryotherapy, electro surgical, surgical removal, and laser surgery.

If left untreated, HPV infection can cause the appearance of sores in the mouth and upper respiratory tract. Some types of HPV can even trigger the abnormal changes in cervical cells. The changes are not immediately detected and handled this can develop into cervical cancer. Cancer of the penis and the anus also include complications that can inflict the HPV infection.

HPV Infection Prevention Measures
Warts can disappear without special handling, but that does not mean the HPV virus also vanished. This virus will still hide in the body of the people and can pass it on to others.

HPV infection prevention measures that can be taken is vaccination. The vaccine named Gardasil HPV vaccine is one that is proven effective for preventing genital warts as well as cervical cancer.

The HPV vaccine is generally recommended for young women. These vaccines are divided into three doses. The distance between the first and second dose is two months, while the distance between the first and third doses is six months.

In addition to vaccination, there are prevention methods that may be useful, such as:
  • Avoid touching warts directly.
  • Hand washing with SOAP immediately if accidentally touching the warts.
  • Don't be another couple and setialah on your partner.
  • Use a condom each time you have sex. Though not fully effective, these measures may reduce the risk of transmission.
  • Maintain the cleanliness, for example wearing the footwear in the humid public placessuch as the pool and wear clean socks.
  • Don't share personal items such as razors or nail clippers.

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