Understanding Colic. Abdominal pain can be said to be experienced by everyone. Most do not have a serious cause. But, there are some abdominal pain be a symptom of other diseases that are more serious and dangerous. We must be able to recognize the symptoms of which appear on a stomach ache to find out the cause and could be treated quickly.
Pain in the abdomen can refer to the stomach cramps or abdominal pain. Thiscondition is usually temporary and harmless. If severe abdominal pain occurs suddenly and is centered on one specific point, usually a harbinger of this state of emergency.Contact your doctor immediately if this happens.
Pain in the abdomen can refer to the stomach cramps or abdominal pain. Thiscondition is usually temporary and harmless. If severe abdominal pain occurs suddenly and is centered on one specific point, usually a harbinger of this state of emergency.Contact your doctor immediately if this happens.
Understanding Colic |
The following are some of the causes of abdominal pain are common:
Abdominal pain accompanied by Diarrhea
Diarrhea is one of the most common conditions to occur in Indonesia among the public, especially in children. Stomach cramps are often accompanied by diarrhea caused by gastroenteritis. Gastroenteritis is an inflammation of the stomach and intestines are also caused by bacterial or viral infections. People suffering from gastroenteritis usually experience diarrhea and vomiting as well. This condition is generally caused by norovirus and bacteria also cause food poisoning, namely salmonella and campylobacter.
Norovirus infection easily transmissible. It is usually spread through contaminated food and drinks stools. We can also become infected through direct contact with close people infected.
Campylobacter and salmonella bacteria generally goes into the body through contamination raw foods, foods that are not cooked properly, and unpasteurized milk.
Severe abdominal cramps accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting can make very body condition declined. The body will experience dehydration if too much fluid is wasted through diarrhea and vomiting. Be sure to consume plenty of fluids. This condition generally can improve by itself.
If this happens for a few days, this might be caused by other diseases that need tolook out for. Check with your doctor immediately to make sure your condition.
In addition to gastroenteritis, a common cause of abdominal pain accompanied by diarrhea are dysentery, allergic reactions, infections, typhus, premenstrual syndrome,and side effects of drugs.
Stomach Cramps Due To Cold
Wind is the result of the process of biological digestion of food and drinks. The symptoms will be experienced when a person enters the wind was belching,abdominal bloating, and feeling full. Some of the foods that cause cold are onions, broccoli, cauliflower and fizzy drinks. Foods high in fiber can also increase the amount of wind is produced.
Cold is a common condition. This condition can cause the onset of stomach cramps and bloating as well. To cope with the cold, lots of drugs that are sold in pharmacies and do not require a doctor's prescription, e.g. buscopan.
Sudden abdominal pain and severe
Although almost all pain or stomach cramps will heal by itself, but if the pain of the abdomen is experienced agonizing, soon encountered the doctor or to the hospital as soon as possible. This could be a serious disease is a symptom. If true, these conditions should immediately get a proper handling.
The following are some of the diseases that can cause abdominal pain that is sudden and severe or serious in nature:
- Appendicitis. Appendicitis is a bag that looks like a finger and connected to the large intestine. The inflammation that occurs in this bag is causing pain in the lower right part of your abdomen. This condition requires that the Appendix removed by surgery.
- Kidney stones. A kidney stone is the stone in the form of tiny crystals made from substances and minerals in the urine. Small kidney stones can still be expelled through the urine, but a large Kidney stone can inhibit urinary tract system and generally require surgery. The main cause of the occurrence of kidney stones due to lack ofdrinking water. Try to drink 2 liters of water a day.
- Peptik ulcer. Ulcers are sores on the wall of the stomach or intestine. This wound is formed from the erosion of the lining of the walls is happening slowly. Over time, theleft will cause an ulcer bleeding. In the end, all the layers of the wall where the ulcer will be eroded and eroded and it is making holes in the digestive tract. This conditionrequires medical handling as soon as possible.
- Diverticulitis. This is an inflammation of a diverticulum or small pockets in the colon wall. Diverticulitis can cause symptoms such as abdominal pain, fever, bloating, diarrhea, and nausea.
- Gallstones. These stones usually form in the gall bladder. These rocks formed from cholesterol and is also the pigment in the bile. To get rid of gallstones to do the surgery. The procedure is now commonly done is laparoscopic koleksistektomi.
Severe abdominal pain may also be due to gastroenteritis described above or because the abdominal muscles that are interested. Meet the doctor immediately or go to the nearest hospital if an agonizing abdominal pain.
Chronic or Recurrent abdominal pain
Abdominal pain that occurs on a recurrent or chronic (long term) needs to be promptly sent to the doctor so that could essentially cause known. Some causes of chronic or recurrent abdominal pain in adults include constipation, menstruation,infections of the urinary tract, and heartburn. While the more rare causes are:
- Crohn's Disease. Long-term illness that causes inflammation of the walls of the digestive system.
- Irritable bowel syndrome. A common condition that occurs when the muscles in the wall of the intestine into spasms so hardened. The pain will be gone with the wind throw or throw a big water.
The right to seek medical assistance
If the symptoms you are experiencing abdominal pain does not improve or is accompanied by symptoms such as below, it is recommended to see a doctor:
- Vomiting for several days.
- Attacks of fever.
- Cannot defecate.
- Painful urination or too often.
- The pain comes from an injury to the abdomen.
- Abdominal pain if touched.
Some of the symptoms below is probably a clue the existence of serious problems in the stomach and need care as soon as possible. Search medical help immediately if you experience:
- Vomiting blood.
- Bowel movements mixed with blood.
- Difficulty breathing.
- Sensing an upset stomach at the time of pregnancy.
Maintaining The Health Of The Stomach
Some advice it is important to keep your stomach staying healthy:
- Stop smoking. Smoking can weaken the muscles that control the lower end of the esophagus or throat. This is causing the rising of stomach acid and the symptoms of heartburn.
- Eat a healthy diet and regularly. Often consuming fast food, eating too many snacks, as well as the pattern of life of the less active can cause problems in the digestive system.
- Sports are scheduled and have a healthy weight. Excessive body weight and high belly fat will give you the pressure and cause heartburn.
- Avoid stress. Anxiety can disrupt the balance of the digestive system and aggravate conditions such as irritable bowel disease.
- Do not consume alcoholic beverages in excess. Consuming alcohol in excess can increase acid production in the stomach and cause heartburn. This bad habit will also aggravate other digestive system abnormalities.
Some healthy advice that can be done to help the digestion:
- Drink mineral water to taste, at least 2 liters daily.
- Fibrous food treasure to prevent constipation.
- Reduce consumption of fatty foods so that the digestive system becomes healthier.
- Avoid caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea, and carbonated drinks.
- More frequent eating yogurt is good for the stomach.
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